Science / Weather / Constant Pressure Surface: A surface along which the atmospheric pressure is equal everywhere.
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Constant Noun Synonyms: resolute, immovable, steadfast, firm, dependable, unshakeable or unshakable, determined, unswerving, undeviating, persevering, unwearying, unwearied, untiring, indefatigable, tireless, unflagging, unwavering, unfailing, unfaltering, persistent, loyal
Constant Adjective Synonyms: incessant, unceasing, ceaseless, perpetual, persistent, uninterrupted, steady, regular, invariable, unremitting, unvarying, relentless, unrelenting, continuous, continual, unending, endless, never-ending, non-stop, perennial, eternal, everlasting
Pressure Adjective Synonyms: compression, pressing, squeezing, compressing, tension, stress, crushing
Pressure Noun Synonyms: force, compression, weight, power, strength
Surface Adjective Synonyms: exterior, covering, outside, top, skin, integument, facade, face, boundary, interface, superficies, side, plane
Surface Adverb Synonyms: pave, concrete, tarmac
Science / Biology / Respiratory Surface: A thin, moist, epithelial surface that oxygen can cross to move into the body and carbon dioxide can cross to move out of the body. MORE
Life Style / Painting / Sanding Surfaces: A heavily pigmented finishing material used for building the surface to a smooth condition. It is sanded after drying. MORE
Entertainment / Bowling / Refinish or Resurface: To sand and/or polish a ball that is heavily tracked in an attempt to restore the out-of-box finish. MORE
Science / Chemistry / Rate Constant: A rate constant is a proportionality constant that appears in a rate law. For example, k is the rate constant in the rate law d[A]/dt = k[A]. Rate constants are independent of concentration but depend MORE
Health / Massage / Process Acupressure: This integrated therapy combines traditional acupressure with Zero Balancing techniques and psychological processing to enhance psycho-spiritual growth. Process acupressure offers a hands-on method of MORE
Science / Weather / Sea Level Pressure: The atmospheric pressure at mean sea level, usually determined from the observed station pressure. MORE