Science / Weather / Daily Mean: The average temperature for a day computed by averaging either the hourly readings or, more commonly, the maximum and minimum temperatures.
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Daily Adjective Synonyms: ordinary, common, commonplace, everyday, routine, regular
Daily Noun Synonyms: diurnal, circadian, everyday, quotidian
Mean Verb Synonyms: portend, show, foretell, foreshadow, promise, presage, augur, herald
Mean Noun Synonyms: intend, design, purpose, plan, aim, have in mind, contemplate, have in view, want, wish, expect, hope, be motivated by, have as justification
Mean Adjective Synonyms: denote, signify, indicate, note, specify, designate, represent, betoken, signal, carry, convey, drive at, refer to, allude to, communicate, express, bring out, get over or across, imply, suggest, connote, intimate, hint (at)
Technology / Aviation / Mean Sea Level (MSL): The average height of the surface of the sea for all stages of tide: used as a reference for elevations, and differentiated from AGL. MORE
Science / Weather / Mean Sea Level: The average height of the sea surface water level. For the United States, it is computed by averaging the levels of all tide stages over a nineteen year period, determined from hourly height readings MORE
Science / Tides and Currents / Mean Sun: A fictitious sun which is assumed to move in the celestial equator at a uniform speed corresponding to the average angular speed of the real Sun in the ecliptic, the mean sun being alternately in adva MORE
Science / Weather / Mean Temperature: The average of temperature readings taken over a specified amount of time. Often the average of the maximum and minimum temperatures. MORE
Science / Tides and Currents / Mean Time: Time based upon the hour angle of the mean sun as distinguished from apparent time which is based upon the position of the real Sun. The difference between apparent and mean time is known as the equat MORE
Science / Tides and Currents / Mean Tide Level (MTL): A tidal datum. The arithmetic mean of mean high water and mean low water. Same as half-tide level. MORE