Dew Point

Science / Weather / Dew Point: The temperature to which air must be cooled at a constant pressure to become saturated.
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Other Words for Point

Point Noun Synonyms: spot, place, stage, position, site, station, location, locale
Point Adjective Synonyms: dot, mark, speck, (full) stop, period, decimal point

Point-Of-Service (POS) Plan

Health / Dentistry / Point-Of-Service (POS) Plan: A health plan allowing the member to choose to receive a service from a participating or non-participating provider, with different benefits levels associated with the use of participating providers. MORE

Point-Of-Service (POS) Product

Health / Health Insurance / Point-Of-Service (POS) Product: A healthcare option that allows members to choose at the time medical services are needed whether they will go to a provider within the plan's network or seek medical care outside the network. MORE

Point-Of-View Shot

Technology / Television (TV) / Point-Of-View Shot: A shot in which the camera is physically situated very close to a character's position: thus the resulting shot approximates the character's point-of-view. MORE

Point-After-Touchdown (PAT)

Entertainment / Football / Point-After-Touchdown (PAT): A place kick taken from the opponent’s 2-yard line (3-yard line in college); awarded to a team that has scored a touchdown, it is worth 1 point if it goes through the goalpost. MORE

Point to Point Protocol (PPP)

Technology / Computers / Point to Point Protocol (PPP): It's a software application that allows an attachment to a server. MORE

Point Source Lamp

Entertainment / Photography / Point Source Lamp: Arc type lamp producing light from a small gap between two carbon rods. MORE