Science / Weather / Ground Clutter: A pattern of radar echoes reflecting off fixed ground targets such as buildings or hills near the radar. This may hide or confuse the proper return echo signifying actual precipitation.
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Clutter Noun Synonyms: mess, litter, jumble, mishmash, olla podrida, confusion, hash, gallimaufry, hotchpotch or also hodgepodge, muddle, farrago, medley
Ground Adjective Synonyms: earth, soil, turf, sod, dirt, loam, clay, land, terrain
Ground Noun Synonyms: base, establish, organize, found, settle, set
Technology / Motors / Grounded Motor: A motor with an electrical connection between the motor frame and ground. MORE
Science / Geology / Ground Water Recharge Area: A location where surface water or precipitation can infiltrate into the ground and replenish the water supply of an aquifer. MORE
Life Style / Holiday / Groundhog Day: Groundhogs are suppose to come out of hibernation on February 2 to see how the weather is doing. If the sun is shining and they see a shadow they are said to be frightened and go back inside. Those wh MORE
Entertainment / Tennis / Groundies: A forehand or backhand shot that is executed after the ball bounces once on the court MORE
Science / Geology / Ground Water: Water that exists below the water table in the zone of saturation. Ground water moves slowly in the same direction that the water table slopes. MORE