Ice Storm

Science / Weather / Ice Storm: A severe weather condition characterized by falling freezing precipitation. Such a storm forms a glaze on objects, creating hazardous travel conditions and utility problems.
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Other Words for Storm

Storm Noun Synonyms: tempest, disturbance, turbulence, wind-storm, mistral, gale, whirlwind, hurricane, tornado, typhoon, cyclone, williwaw, shower, cloudburst, downpour, rainstorm, deluge, monsoon, thunder-shower, thunderstorm, electrical storm, dust-storm, s

Price Gap

Business / Finance / Price Gap: A term used when the price of a stock rockets or dives in a direction away from its last price range, such as a stock with a trading range of $10-$12 that closes at $12 and climbs to $14 the next day. MORE

Price Give

Business / Finance / Price Give: Used in the context of general equities. Willingness of a buyer or seller to negotiate on price, within reason, from the price at the last sale or the indicated level. See: Takes price. MORE

Price Impact Costs

Business / Finance / Price Impact Costs: Related: Market impact costs MORE

Price Fixing

Business / Real Estate / Price Fixing: The practice of conspiring to establish fixed fees or prices for services rendered or goods sold. In recent years, the setting of attorney fees by local bar associations and commission percentages and MORE

Price Elasticity Of Demand

Business / Agriculture / Price Elasticity Of Demand: The relationship between the change in the price of a commodity and the corresponding change in the quantity that is sold. If a small change in the price is accompanied by a relatively large change in MORE

Price Discovery Process

Business / Finance / Price Discovery Process: The process of determining the prices of assets in the marketplace through the interactions of buyers and sellers. MORE