Science / Weather / Low Latitudes: The latitude belt between 30 and 0 degrees North and South of the equator. Also referred to as the tropical or torrid region. MORE
Science / Weather / Middle Latitudes: The latitude belt roughly between 35 and 65 degrees North and South. May be referred to as the temperate region. MORE
Science / Astrology / Latitude, Geographic: Angular distance measured on Earth north or south of the equator. MORE
Science / Astrology / Latitude, Celestial: Angular distance measured north or south of the plane of the ecliptic. MORE
Science / Weather / High Latitudes: The latitude belt roughly between 60° and 90° North and South. MORE
Science / Weather / Horse Latitudes: Located between 30° North and 30° South in the vicinity of the equator, this area typically has calm or light and variable winds. MORE