
Science / Weather / Latitude: The location north or south in reference to the equator, which is designated at zero (0) degrees. Parallel lines that circle the globe both north and south of the equator. The poles are at 90° North and South latitude.
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Low Latitudes

Science / Weather / Low Latitudes: The latitude belt between 30 and 0 degrees North and South of the equator. Also referred to as the tropical or torrid region. MORE

Middle Latitudes

Science / Weather / Middle Latitudes: The latitude belt roughly between 35 and 65 degrees North and South. May be referred to as the temperate region. MORE

Latitude, Geographic

Science / Astrology / Latitude, Geographic: Angular distance measured on Earth north or south of the equator. MORE

Latitude, Celestial

Science / Astrology / Latitude, Celestial: Angular distance measured north or south of the plane of the ecliptic. MORE

High Latitudes

Science / Weather / High Latitudes: The latitude belt roughly between 60° and 90° North and South. MORE

Horse Latitudes

Science / Weather / Horse Latitudes: Located between 30° North and 30° South in the vicinity of the equator, this area typically has calm or light and variable winds. MORE