Prevailing Visibility

Science / Weather / Prevailing Visibility: It is considered representative of visibility conditions at the observation station. It is the greatest distance that can be seen throughout at least half the horizon circle, but not necessarily continuous.
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Other Words for Prevailing

Prevailing Verb Synonyms: dominant, predominant, prevalent, main, chief, principal, common(est),ual, customary, universal


Science / Weather / Visibility: A measure of the opacity of the atmosphere, and therefore, the greatest distance one can see prominent objects with normal eyesight. The National Weather Service has various terms for visibility. Surf MORE

Westerlies (Prevailing Westerlies)

Science / Marine Biology / Westerlies (Prevailing Westerlies): Persistent eastward-equatorward winds in midlatitudes in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres MORE

Vertical Visibility

Science / Weather / Vertical Visibility: The distance an observer can see vertically into an undefined ceiling, or the height corresponding to the top of a ceiling light projector beam, or the height at which a ceiling balloon disappears dur MORE

Prevailing Wind

Science / Weather / Prevailing Wind: A wind that blows from one direction more frequently than any other during a given period, such as a day, month, season, or year. MORE

Prevailing Wage

Business / Human Resources (HR) / Prevailing Wage: A rate of pay determined by the U.S. Department of Labor based upon the geographic area for a given class of labor and type of project. MORE

Prevailing Visibility

Science / Weather / Prevailing Visibility: It is considered representative of visibility conditions at the observation station. It is the greatest distance that can be seen throughout at least half the horizon circle, but not necessarily conti MORE