Science / Weather / Radiational Cooling: The cooling of the earth's surface and the adjacent air. Although it occurs primarily at night, it happens when the earth's surface suffers a net loss of heat due to outgoing radiation.
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Science / Tides and Currents / Radiational Tide: Periodic variations in sea level primarily related to meteorological changes such as the semi daily (solar) cycle in barometric pressure, daily (solar) land and sea breezes, and seasonal (annual) chan MORE
Science / Chemistry / Supercooling: Liquids at temperatures below their normal freezing points are said to be 'supercooled'. MORE
Technology / Motorcycle / Water Cooling: Also known as “liquid cooling,” this system includes a radiator and fluid to dissipate heat. Liquid is constantly circulated between the radiator and motorcycle engine cylinders when the engine is MORE
Science / Weather / Radiational Cooling: The cooling of the earth's surface and the adjacent air. Although it occurs primarily at night, it happens when the earth's surface suffers a net loss of heat due to outgoing radiation. MORE
Business / Finance / Cooling-Off Period: To deliberately falsify the financial statements of a company. This is an illegal practice. MORE
Science / Weather / Cooling Degree Day: A cooling degree day is given for each degree that the daily mean temperature departs above the baseline of 75 degrees Fahrenheit. It is used to estimate the energy requirements and is an indication o MORE