Science / Weather / Station Elevation: The vertical distance above mean sea level that is the reference level for all current measurements of atmospheric pressure at that station.
Search Google for Station Elevation:
Elevation Noun Synonyms: swelling, lump, wen, eminence, prominence, hill, height, rise
Elevation Adjective Synonyms: altitude, height
Station Noun Synonyms: position, place, status, rank, caste, standing, class, level
Station Adjective Synonyms: place, position, spot, post, site, location
Science / Weather / Station Elevation: The vertical distance above mean sea level that is the reference level for all current measurements of atmospheric pressure at that station. MORE
Science / Astrology / Station: A planet is said to 'make a station' at the degree it occupies when it appears motionless as its direction changes from direct to retrograde or vise versa. MORE
Science / Weather / Station Pressure: The atmospheric pressure with respect to the station elevation. MORE
Health / Fitness / Stationary Bike: A cardiovascular machine that comes in two styles upright bikes and recumbent bikes. MORE
Science / Weather / Stationary Front: A front which is nearly stationary or moves very little since the last synoptic position. May be known as a quasi-stationary front. MORE
Business / Agriculture / State Agricultural Experiment Stations (SAES): The Hatch Act of 1887 established an agricultural experiment station to be affiliated with the land grant college of agriculture in each state. Research done at these stations underpins the curriculum MORE