Absolute Address

Technology / Computers / Absolute Address: The exact memory location of data or a specific location within a device.
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Other Words for Absolute

Absolute Adjective Synonyms: perfect, complete, total, finished, thorough, through-and-through, consummate, flawless, faultless, unadulterated, pure, unmixed, unalloyed, undiluted, rank

Other Words for Address

Address Verb Synonyms: speak or talk to, deliver or give a speech to, lecture
Address Noun Synonyms: speech, talk, discourse, oration, lecture, sermon

Definable Reply-To Address

Technology / Email / Definable Reply-To Address: When you send an email and the recipient clicks 'reply,' normally the email address that the message was sent from will automatically be used. This feature allows you to specify an address other than MORE

Email Address

Technology / Email / Email Address: The combination of a unique user name and a sender domain (JohnDoe@anywhere.com). The email address requires both the user name and the domain name. MORE

Email Address Finder

Technology / Email / Email Address Finder: Service that allows you to search for other people's email addresses by entering their name, address, etc. MORE


Technology / Computers / Addressing: A method of identifying a resource (such as a program) or piece of information (such as a file) on a network. Methods of addressing vary considerably from network-to-network. MORE

Addressable Resolution

Technology / Television (TV) / Addressable Resolution: The highest resolution signal that a display device (TV or monitor) can accept. Caution: Consumers should be aware however, that although a particular device (Digital-HDTV) is able to receive the reso MORE


Entertainment / Bowling / Address: The bowler's stance before beginning the approach. MORE