Technology / Computers / Digital: A system that defines data in a discrete, non-fluctuating (i.e., non-analogue), numerical method. Similar to a binary system.
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Technology / Digital Cameras / Digital Zoom: The ability to magnify an optical image digitally, using interpolation. Digital cameras can come with quite high levels of digital zoom, but the image quality suffers noticeably as more digital zoom i MORE
Technology / Home Audio / Digital Technology: Human beings directly process information in an analog format. That is, our senses directly convey information to the brain in the form of constantly varying amplitudes and frequencies that approximat MORE
Technology / Computers / Digital Video Disc (DVD): Digital Versatile Disc or Digital Video Disc. This popular technology was first introduced in 1996. Its ability to store large amounts of information reliably made this a very common optical disc stor MORE
Technology / Computers / Direct Digital Signal (DDS): Stands for Direct Digital Signal. It refers to a network that uses digital infrastructure equipment exclusively. This eliminates the need for analog-to-digital converters on a network because all sign MORE
Technology / Radar / Digital Radio Frequency Memory (DRFM): Digital radio frequency memory is an approach being adopted by modern electronic attack (ea) systems to combat pulse-compression radar. A digital radio frequency memory system receives radar pulses, s MORE
Technology / Digital Cameras / Analogue Digital Converter (ADC): Analogue to Digital Converter, this takes the analogue output and is able to turn it into digital format so that it can be manipulated and altered by the DSP. MORE