Technology / Computers / Executable File: An executable file or has a file extension of .EXE. It is a type of binary file designed to be directly executed by a computer system. Unlike source files, an executable file cannot be read by humans. They are specifically designed to be interpreted as a program.
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File Noun Synonyms: line, queue, column, row, rank
File Verb Synonyms: document, documentation, dossier, case, data, folder, portfolio, information
Business / Finance / Profile Buyer-Seller: Trader trying to get involved in a stock who presents self as a buyer-seller to draw a call from a customer. That is the trader has nothing real, or natural. MORE
Science / Weather / Profiler: A type of Doppler radar that typically measures both wind speed and direction from the surface to 55,000 feet in the atmosphere. MORE
Science / Geology / Seismic Profile: The data collected from a set of seismographs arranged in a straight line with an artificial seismic source, especially the times of P-wave arrivals. MORE
Entertainment / Photography / Photo File Index Print: Makes ordering reprints and enlargements easy. A small print shows a positive, 'thumbnail' version of every picture on an aps roll. Each thumbnail picture is numbered on the index print to match the f MORE
Technology / Computers / NT File System (NTFS): One of the file system for the Windows NT operating system (Windows NT also supports the FAT file system). NTFS has features to improve reliability, such as transaction logs to help recover from disk MORE