ODBC Administrator

Technology / Computers / ODBC Administrator: Developed by Microsoft for its Windows operating systems. The icon for the ODBC is named 'Data Sources' and is located in the Control Panel under Administrative Tools in the Windows 2000 and XP operating systems. This Data Source Administrator is responsible for managing database drivers and configuring the user and system Data Source Names (DSN). A UNIX system does not use this method, its data source information is stored in text configuration files.
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Third Party Administrator (TPA)

Health / Health Insurance / Third Party Administrator (TPA): A company that provides administrative services to MCOs or self-funded health plans. MORE

Plan Administrator

Business / Human Resources (HR) / Plan Administrator: An individual or plan sponsor designated by the instrument under which the plan is operated to be responsible for the administration of pension and welfare benefit plans. MORE

ODBC Administrator

Technology / Computers / ODBC Administrator: Developed by Microsoft for its Windows operating systems. The icon for the ODBC is named 'Data Sources' and is located in the Control Panel under Administrative Tools in the Windows 2000 and XP operat MORE