Port Replicator

Technology / Computers / Port Replicator: A device used in mobile computing that plugs into the laptop and provides all the ports for connecting external devices. External devices can be left connected to the port replicator even when the mobile computer is removed from the device. Less complex than a docking station.
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Other Words for Port

Port Noun Synonyms: harbor, haven, seaport, mooring, anchorage, refuge

Portfolio Management

Business / Finance / Portfolio Management: Related: Investment management MORE

Portfolio Loan

Business / Real Estate / Portfolio Loan: A loan originated and maintained by the lender and not sold in the secondary mortgage market. MORE

Portfolio Manager

Business / Finance / Portfolio Manager: Used in the context of general equities. Professional responsible for the securities portfolio of an individual or institutional investor, such as a mutual fund, pension fund, profit-sharing plan, ban MORE

Portfolio Opportunity Set

Business / Finance / Portfolio Opportunity Set: The expected return/standard deviation pairs of all portfolios that can be constructed from a given set of assets. MORE

Portfolio Restructuring

Business / Finance / Portfolio Restructuring: Applies to derivative products. Recomposition of a portfolio's asset mix by selling off undesired asset types (equities, debt, or cash) or specific securities within that class, while simultaneously b MORE

Portfolio R2

Business / Finance / Portfolio R2: Used in the context of general equities. Number between 0 and 1 that measures the strength of correlation of movement between the portfolio/stock and the index. Indeed, the R2 is the square of the cor MORE