
Technology / Computers / Slot: A physical connector on a motherboard to hold an expansion card or memory module. In older models, CPUs were installed on circuit boards that fit into a slot as well.
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Other Words for Slot

Slot Adjective Synonyms: opening, position, vacancy, job, place, assignment, niche, space, spot, pigeon-hole
Slot Noun Synonyms: groove, fissure, notch, slit, opening, hollow, depression, channel, sulcus


Business / Machine Shop / Slotter: An attachment which operates with a reciprocating motion. Used for machining internal slots and surfaces. MORE

Slotting Fees

Business / Agriculture / Slotting Fees: Paid by manufacturers to purchase shelf space in retail stores: such fees are a controversial issue in the food sector. Critics regard slotting fees as unearned store discounts (or even 'kickbacks' to MORE


Business / Machine Shop / T-Slot: The slots made in the tables of machine tools for the square-head bolts used to clamp the workpiece, attachments, or work-holding fixtures in position for performing the machining operations. MORE

Dry Slot

Science / Weather / Dry Slot: An area of dry, and usually cloud-free, air that wraps into the southern and eastern sections of a synoptic scale or mesoscale low pressure system. Best seen on a satellite picture, such as a water va MORE

Slotted Flap

Technology / Aviation / Slotted Flap: A flap that, when depressed, exposes a SLOT and increases airflow between itself and the rear edge of the wing. MORE

Expansion Slot

Technology / Computers / Expansion Slot: The slot on the motherboard designed to be filled by expansion cards. See above. MORE