Time Constant

Technology / Computers / Time Constant: In electronics, this term refers to a measured amount of time that current or voltage rises or falls across a circuit.
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Other Words for Constant

Constant Adjective Synonyms: incessant, unceasing, ceaseless, perpetual, persistent, uninterrupted, steady, regular, invariable, unremitting, unvarying, relentless, unrelenting, continuous, continual, unending, endless, never-ending, non-stop, perennial, eternal, everlasting
Constant Noun Synonyms: resolute, immovable, steadfast, firm, dependable, unshakeable or unshakable, determined, unswerving, undeviating, persevering, unwearying, unwearied, untiring, indefatigable, tireless, unflagging, unwavering, unfailing, unfaltering, persistent, loyal

Other Words for Time

Time Noun Synonyms: period, interval, stretch, spell, patch

Sailing Time

Life Style / Travel / Sailing Time: The actual hour at which the ship is scheduled to clear the dock and sail. MORE

Screen Time

Technology / Television (TV) / Screen Time: The duration of a program--which is normally shorter than the time represented in the program's narrative (that is, its story time). E.g., the story time of one soap opera episode is typically a day o MORE


Technology / Digital Cameras / Self-Timer: A setting that allows a lapse between pressing the shutter button and firing of the camera. MORE

Sensitivity Time Control (STC)

Technology / Radar / Sensitivity Time Control (STC): An electronic circuit designed to automatically increase the gain as the electron beam is deflected from the center to the edge of the scope. Also called anti-clutter gain control. MORE

Run-Time Error

Technology / Programming / Run-Time Error: an error that does not disrupt compiling, but causes your program to abort with an error message when running, e.g., 'segmentation fault' and 'floating point exception' MORE

Response Time

Life Style / Adoption / Response Time: A determination made by CPS and law enforcement regarding the immediacy of the response needed to a report of child abuse or neglect. MORE